Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday veneration of the Cross

I just got home from Good Friday Veneration of the cross. I was unable to attend Mass last night because I was traveling with my family. I was disappointed to have missed Mass, but there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it, so I was really looking forward to tonight and the veneration. Unfortunately my joy and hopes were crushed. I have never walked out of a liturgical celebration until tonight. The homily, which should have focused on the passion and suffering of Christ did exactly the opposite. Instead it stripped the Passion of all pain and suffering, because it apparently turns people off and makes them feel uncomfortable. instead we just focus on how Jesus looks lovingly and forgivingly down from the cross on all mankind. I felt bad about walking out, but I figured it was better than yelling or saying something stupid during the homily. What happened to the wild and passionate God who swooped in and saved His people time after time in the Old Testament? Where was the Christ who loved His bride so much that He would let nothing come between them? Where was the knight in shining armor of holiness who sweat blood in the garden, was beaten and crowned with thorns, forced to carry the instrument of his own death up the hill and then brutally killed? I don't know where he was, but I know he was never mentioned during the homily. All we got was the watered down happy Jesus who joyfully died a happy death full of peace and forgiveness on the cross.

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