We are all told how
if we want to be happy we need to grow up and go to college so we can have a
good job and gain lots of money and power. This also results in lots of late
nights at the office and frequently working weekends as well. If you question it,
you are a slacker and a lazy no-good bum.
If you question how science is
supposed to save the world by killing babies to harvest their stem cells, then
you obviously hate all the sick people who MIGHT one day be cured through that
If you question sex or bring up any kind of old fashioned ideas like
“purity” or “chastity” than you are labeled a puritan and a freak. If you say
that you want to save sex for marriage everyone smiles and nods, but in the
back of their minds most think that you are insane, especially if you are a
With sports it is a little easier
to see. If you ask the average American
how much time they spent playing or watching sports versus the amount of time
they spent praying to God in any given week there would barely be a contest.
People even skip Mass to watch the pre-game of the Super Bowl. Humor is the
final deity of the new pantheon and in many ways still the most insecure
amongst hi brethren.
Humor could be
lumped in with entertainment in general, but I prefer to leave it out on its
own for now. The problem with humor is how we use it to rationalize sin or
create a smokescreen for bad behavior. We watch movies filled that mock the
things we hold as sacred and important, but instead of becoming outraged we
just say “yeah, but it was funny.” If
you dare to criticize a movie for this sort of comedy, your friends will
frequently (and usually violently) tell you how wrong you are. These six new deities are now where mankind seeks
to find its meaning, and the restlessness of our hearts goes on.
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